Indexing Basics course
This short online course, which I developed for the Society of Indexers, gives a good introduction to the basic principles and practices of good indexing. It includes a number of exercises which come with guidance answers and tutor support. It provides a good headstart to taking the main SI training course as well as giving the essentials to someone who just needs to learn some basic techniques. At the end of the tutorial you can opt for a video/audio chat with me on indexing as a career or to find out more about training.
Find out more Indexing Basics .
Society of Indexers Training in Indexing Course
​The Society of Indexers runs an online distance learning course on indexing which consists of:
study notes on the principles of indexing
practice materials to aid understanding
index assignments and group tutorials giving practice in index creation
detailed feedback on assignments and tests
The course is assessed by a series of tests and successful completion leads to Accreditation and Professional Membership of the Society. Find out more about the SI Training Course .
Indexing for Editors
This online workshop, developed and tutored by Ann Hudson (MA, PGCE, FSocInd), is designed to give editors an overview of the principles of indexing, how indexes are compiled, and insights into how to evaluate good and bad indexes. Indexing for Editors workshop